Global Congestive Heart Failure Registry (GCHF) in Cameroon | CRENC
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GCHF Cameroon

Global Congestive Heart Failure Registry (GCHF) in Cameroon

Heart failure (HF) is a rapidly increasing disease worldwide and results in major morbidity, mortality and costs. No global HF study has been performed that documents demographics, socioeconomic and clinical factors, diagnostic and management patterns, etiology, biomarkers, co-morbidities, treatments, quality of life, barriers to care and outcomes in all parts of the world.

The Global Congestive Heart Failure Registry (GCHF) is a prospective global registry study targeting 20000-25000 Heart Failure patients with a minimum of two years follow up. The G-CHF Registry aims to gain more knowledge for the prevention and treatment of this global disease.

It has as main objectives to; estimate the incident rate of outcomes in HF patients in world regions and overall, and assess social and lifestyle factors, etiologies and variations in treatment patterns that might influence mortality and morbidity. Describe determinants of different HF in these world regions, and their management and outcomes. Describe the potential role of biomarkers (BNP, CK-MB and troponin, as available), related genetic determinants, and their relation to clinical factors, treatments, and type of HF. Assess non-cardiac co-morbidities at enrolment, their incidence during the study and how they influence outcomes or mortality and morbidity.  Describe barriers to HF care in a global HF population.

No Site No. Hospital name Site PI Qualifications Site collaborator / RA(s) Qualifications
1 1001 Buea Regional Hospital Dr Nkoke Clovis MD, Cardiologist Dr Kotta Sylvia MD, Cardiologist
2 1002 Douala Cardiovascular Centre Dr Ndjebet MD, Cardiologist Dr Nko’o Wo’o Pierre MD
3 1003 Deido District Hospital Dr Nzali Archange MD, Cardiologist
4 1008 Shisong Cardiac Centre Dr Tantchou Cabral MD, Cardiologist Research nurse
5 1009 Edea Regional Hospital Dr Meli Herve Ban’Haka MD, Cardiologist Dr Kamwa Audrey MD
6 1012 Douala Military Hospital Dr Abah Joseph Pierre MD, Cardiologist 1.       Foabeh Fuonji Mosco

Research nurse

2.       Mewouo Moluh Raimatou Nadia Research nurse
7 1013 Bafoussam Regional Hospital Dr Kouam Charles MD, Cardiologist Dr Banka Boloko MD
8 1015 Douala General Hospital Dr Dzudie Anastase MD, PhD, Cardiologist Dr Nouko Ariane MD
9 1016 Douala Mboppi Hospital Dr Abang Serah MD, Cardiologist Dr Tifuh Bronhilda MD
10 1017 Biyemassi District Hospital Dr Manon Ebene Guillaume MD, Cardiologist
11 1018 Mbingo Hospital Kom Dr Sih Colette MD, Cardiologist in training Amah Lawrence Research nurse
12 1019 Yaounde Central Hospital Dr Nganou Christelle MD, Cardiologist Dr Foka Joyce MD
13 1021 Clinique Coeur et Vie Dr Djoumo Armel MD, Cardiologist Dr Nana Lionel MD

Table 1: Cameroon site numbers, hospitals and investigators in the Global Congestive Heart Failure Registry (GCHF).

The study is being carried out in 25 countries in the world, and Cameroon is one of 9 African countries participating in this registry with 11 active sites (Table 1 and figure 1).

GCHF Registry in Cameroon

Figure 1: Geographical location of hospital sites and investigators in the Global Congestive Heart Failure Registry (GCHF) in Cameroon.

Coordinating Institution: Population Health Research Institute, Canada

National Coordination organization: CRENC

National study coordinator: Dr Ariane Nouko, MD, Research assistant at CRENC.

Assistant National study coordinators: Dr Tchounja Raissa, MD and Dr Fogue Raissa, MD; Research assistants at CRENC.

National Principal Investigator & Master National Leader for PHRI: Anastase Dzudie, MD, PhD, FESC.

National advisory committee: Prof. Alain Menanga, Prof. Samuel Kingue and Dr. Hamadou Ba

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