Domin S. M. Ekaney, MD, MPH
Dr. Domin Sone Majunda Ekaney, MD is a Medical Doctor from the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Buea, Cameroon. He is a General Physician with 2 years’ working experience. Currently he works for the Ministry of Public Health as General Practitioner and Chief Medical Officer of Integrated Health Centre Batoke, Limbe South West Region Cameroon.
His principal interest include health promotion, clinical and epidemiological research on both communicable and non-communicable diseases. He is also an early carrier researcher and a member of the Clinical Research, Networking and Consultancy (CRENC). He was site coordinator of the MAY MEASUREMENT MONTH 2017 PROJECT carried out by the CRENC, Fondation Coeur et vie and the Cameroon Cardiac Society. Under the CRENC, his currently the project manager of the Community Health Worker/ Mobile Health Application Hypertension Intervention pilot study.
Dr Ekaney is the Chief Operations officer of a Non-Profit Organisation Known as Health Education and Research Organisation (HERO) Cameroon. His future aspiration is to be an Internist/ Gastroenterologist , Certified Health Educator and Clinical researcher. He is an avid motivational speaker, loves to play football and likes to listen to classical music.